Scavengers is a multiplayer first person horror game, developed by a team of 3. The goal of the project was to create a small multiplayer game that could be released as a public prototype.

The Game
In the game the players find their ship stranded in a ship graveyard out in the far reaches of unknown space. The ship’s AI has plotted a route out of the ship graveyard but fuel is lacking.
Players are tasked with boarding derelict starships and scavenging them for supplies. However, the spaceships aren’t completely abandoned, as shadowy creatures will stalk and harass the players. Players can return to their ship and continue their journey when at least 1 unit of fuel has been acquired. However, the amount of fuel the players collect during a scavenging run determines how far their ship can travel before requiring another dangerous expedition.
My Role
I was responsible for the design of the game and also did the level design for the first and second level. Additionally I spent time on implementing the assets and effects into Unity.
Current State
As of now the game is still unreleased as further development is required to have a polished prototype.