As a hobby I’ve created a number of mods for the game Xcom 2. These mods are mostly cosmetics in nature adding more appearance options or enemies to the game. Most of the models originate from other games or are created by independent 3d Artist.

The Process
The process differs slightly depending on what state the source model is in. If the model comes without a rig I’ll first have to create a rig for it and do the proper weight painting. If the model is rigged then it needs to be posed in the same position as the target model from Xcom 2. Once the model is posed properly the correct weights have to be applied which correspond with the Xcom 2 skeleton. Afterwards I’ll have to adjust the textures to work with the PBR system used by Xcom 2. And finally I'll write the .config files which will actually make the new models appear in the game.

While I didn't make any models from scratch nor made any new animations. I did learn a lot about the process of 3d modelling and rigging models, alongside what channels to use on different texture types.